Endoscopic surgery and obesity
Laparoscopic gastric sleeve
It is a procedure that is used in weight reduction surgery with excellent results and minimal risks for the patient. It consists of removing almost 80% of the stomach vertically to form a “banana-shaped gastric tube” or a gastric sleeve (as North American doctors call it) “sleeve gastrectomy” that causes restriction of the food ingested through a lower storage volume in the stomach, which causes the patient to fill up very quickly and eat little with subsequent weight loss over the months and years. This procedure has given such good results that some surgeons use it as a definitive procedure and not as a first procedure as originally planned. Four to five small incisions are required to be performed.
Laparoscopic bypass.
Considered the gold standard for obesity (bariatric) surgery. It is a mixed component procedure (restrictive and mal-absorptive) since it drastically reduces the size of the stomach to store only 15 to 35 cm. cubics of food and in addition a new intestinal connection is made with this small stomach that we call “pouch” where depending on the length of intestine that we leave without functioning it will help reduce the absorption of food (fats, sugars and some other nutrients). The patient fills up very quickly and, in addition, the little he eats is poorly absorbed, causing a significant and sustained weight reduction. For these procedures it is necessary to be a candidate depending on the patient’s weight/height ratio and coexisting diseases.
Laparoscopic Gastric Plication (Gastric Plication Surgery).
We are one of the first in Mexico to perform this procedure. It consists of promoting weight loss by performing a “stomach double on itself” with the help of a caliper. It is a new technique that has very similar results to the gastric sleeve. It is performed through laparoscopy without making any type of cut in the stomach or intestine, which is why it is a safer and cheaper procedure since staples or any other prosthetic material is not used. It is a surgery that can be reversible by not making cuts in the tissues.
Advantages :
- Does not require gastric or intestinal cuts
- It does not require prosthetics or staples.
- Does not require adjustments.
- Does not create a foreign body reaction
- It is reversible
- It is done laparoscopically so it is less invasive and safer.
- Weight loss comparable to sleeve gastrectomy
Learn more about obesity surgery
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If you wish to perform a surgical procedure with us, you can request your personal credit with this financial institution. For more information contact: Federico
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